This and That

Lugnasa                                                          Hiroshima Moon

Brother Mark is on the Greyhound headed to Lansing, Michigan.  He got a bank account setup, got a new passport and attempted to get a driver’s license.  Maybe next time on that one.

Watched a bit of the Olympics last night, but diving just doesn’t do it for me.  Looks like the Chinese are pretty good at it though.  Also watched about five minutes of the Viking’s game.  Enough for me.


Filled out a survey that included the following question.  I’m in the next to last age category!  OMG.

What is your age?

This is a very interesting idea:

“For the Greek, Hemeroscopium is the place where the sun sets. An allusion to a place that exists only in our mind, in our senses, that is ever-changing and mutable, but is nonetheless real. It is delimited by the references of the horizon, by the physical limits, defined by light, and it happens in time.”