Healing Friends

Winter                                                                          Cold Moon

The healing power of friends.  Not a big thing in the flow of life, but I felt a little down today.  A function mostly of my 1:00 am vigil beside our ailing furnace and its attendant physician.  Being tired translates into some negative self-talk, feelings.  They relate to that long, long time in my life, say from 19-30 and, to some extent, beyond that, when anxiety dominated my life, when I went to sleep with a small, glowing chunk of metal in my gut, often waking and unable to return to sleep.  Now these feelings return only with long intervals between and often only briefly.

Tonight though I went into Minneapolis feeling achy and out of sorts, not really wanting to drive the 40 minutes into Christo’s, a Greek restaurant.  [interesting side note here: 1827, from French restaurant “a restaurant” (said to have been used in Paris c.1765 by Boulanger), originally “food that restores,” noun use of prp. of restaurer “to restore or refresh,” from Old French restorer] I met for supper with Warren and Scott and Tom.

We talked, we listened, we saw each other.  When I left, two hours later, I felt refreshed, restored.  Dining with friends.  Healing.