Take A Hike

Imbolc                                                                     New (Valentine) Moon

Business meeting.  Money matters go well.  Calendar looks good.  I’ve had to pull back my Isle of Skye trip to the US, too much money going out unexpectedly:  furnace, Gertie.  I did find a great alternative though, lodge to lodge hiking on the Superior Trail.  I can do the same length of trip, beautiful hikes with views of Lake Superior, and spend about half the money.

Kate and I have been fixing the front door on the plate today.  I took the pins out of the hinges, levered the door off and we could finally remove the lock from the door.  Kate’s putting a new door knob and lock into the door right now, then I’ll go back up and rehang the door.  He said confidently.  This door’s solid core with a metal front.  Translation:  heavy.  It ain’t heavy, it’s my front door.  Yeah, right.

More Eddas and Latin today as the snow falls.

(winter storm northeast 2013)

A wet snow began to fall this morning and forecasts have it continuing into Monday.  Maybe 4-6 inches.  Not near as much as the poor Northeast.  Getting this monster snow storm after Hurricane Sandy.  Not a good thing.