
Imbolc                                                                 New (Valentine) Moon

Over the course of my life I’ve learned how to do many different things.  Among them has not been handyman type jobs.  I’m not clueless but you probably couldn’t tell that if you watched me trying to figure out how to rehang the front door today.

Between us Kate and I approached that door with more years in educational institutions than would be good certification for our sanity.  It defeated us.  We called a mechanical engineer now working as a handyman.  He fixed it.  My kinda solution to these kind of problems.

Having said that I will admit to a sense of male inadequacy during the time he was here.  I mean, I know I can’t fix it; I know he can; so, where does that put me in the testosterone parade?  Pretty far back, almost to the x chromosomes.  I’m not proud of it, but there it was.

Although, on my side, I have read that baldness occurs due to increased testosterone, so by that measure I can just about be the drum major.

Best of all though I have a partner who knows my flaws–I’m bad with a hammer and screw driver–and still loves me.