Mabon and the Sukkot Moon
Wednesday gratefuls: Art Green. Radical Judaism. Rami Shapiro. Judaism without Tribalism. Ovid. The Metamorphosis. Homer. The Iliad and the Odyssey. Cervantes. Don Quixote. Hesse. Magister Ludi. Steppenwolf. Siddartha. Thomas Mann. Buddenbrooks. Márqez. One Hundred Years of Solitude. Powers. Overstory. Playground. Unknown Authors: The Torah.
Sparks of Joy and Awe: Writing
Kavannah: Savlanut, Patience
One brief shining: Breakfast with Irv and Marilyn at Primo’s, a mid-Fall Sun keeping us warm outside, not even a breeze, sounds coming from the open door of Jazzercise, doing what friends do, talking about things that concern us in our daily lives, wandering off into how little we know about the human mind, about culture and language, the brain, how all those mush together as we go from infant to child to teen to adult in ways unpredictable, mysterious. Good coffee, eh?
Header image courtesy of Tom Crane, September 11, 2019. Guanella Pass
Human development. Quite the mystery really. Sure, we have developmental schemes like Erickson’s, psychological models from Freud, Jung, May, Rogers, Hillman, Maslow, Piaget, Kohlberg. Or, the medieval four temperaments. Take a quick test to see which one fits you best. Had a psychology professor in seminary who said you could explain human psychology using many systems, all accurate in their way. Including demons and angels. What matters is how you deploy the explanation, what you can do with it to help or hinder development.
Jung’s paradigm has helped me a lot. Working with my psyche through dream analysis, archetypes, the collective unconscious. I’ve also found the Tao and the Jewish concepts of yetzer hatov, the generous inclination and the yetzer harah, the selfish inclination very helpful. The tension between poles as an energizer rather than a judgemental scheme. Take anger and apathy. At different points either end of the pole may be appropriate and useful. Anger at injustice, say, or unfair treatment. Apathy. Well, hmm. Not sure about apathy, but there are times when a constrained, restrained response to a situation is the most helpful. Most of the time we inhabit the middle ground of patience. Yin and yang. Masculine and feminine energies. Though I have trouble remembering which is which. Both ways expressive of the movement of chi, or life force.
Even so, these all feel reductionistic in the extreme. Unable to capture the nuances, the complex interleavings of birth temperament, nurture in family, school, friendship circles, the impact of culture and its in bounds and out of bounds rules, not to mention the always active mind sorting through the days, months, years of a lifetime for telling moments, victories and defeats, rejections and acceptance, love.
Of course, our curse or our blessing remains. Consciousness. Awareness. Our ability to bring a critical, even analytical eye to all of the above and how it applies this day, in this moment and how the whole might inform our next action. It’s a real wonder we get anything done at all.
This is the ultimate human ancientrail. The one of a Self (however defined) moving through its world from birth to death, from enigma to understanding and back again.