
Imbolc                                                              Valentine Moon

The furnace, the new one, clocks in at 98.2% efficiency.  Higher than advertised because there are fewer bends in the new exhaust.  This is a dual stage furnace with a low, always on setting, and a high setting that comes on when the thermostat calls for more heat.  The fan runs with a variable speed motor that is so much more efficient than our old one that its savings on the electric bill will pay for the higher cost of the whole furnace.  Feels good to have it installed.

(this guy no longer works here.)

Now, one month at a time, for 12 months interest free, we’ll pay it off with a combination of the increased draw from our IRA (thank you stock market) and diverting our monthly allowance for mutual travel.  A year from now we’ll own it and have made roughly $270 dollars in appreciation in our cash bank, a Vanguard mutual fund, since the money for the furnace will not have to be withdrawn.  Pretty slick.

As he who talks with tradesmen (and women, too, but there aren’t any I’ve met in the heating and cooling trades), I dutifully went up and down stairs on various occasions, conversing with the guys.  Like I knew what I was talking about.  Yeah, right.

A snowy day with a hot new furnace installed.  A good Friday.