
Beltane                                                               Early Growth Moon

Kate has found a garden and landscape helper for us.  Javier does tree, gardening and landscaping with his brother.  They are very reasonable in their pricing.  If he works out, and I’m sure he will, a large part of the burden of maintaining our grounds will lift and Kate and I can concentrated on growing vegetables, fruit and flowers.  What we love doing.

For example, I planted 9 tomato plants and 6 pepper plants this morning, with three egg plants waiting for the removal of the ash in our vegetable garden. (part of the work Javier has agreed to do.)  We’ll probably put in a few more tomato plants with the added sunlight the vegetable garden will have sans ash.

It’s Memorial Day weekend though I have trouble conceiving Memorial Day as any day other than May 30th.  Growing up the Indianapolis 500 always ran right after Memorial Day and that was May 31st.  It was the 1968 Uniform Holiday Act that created all the Monday holidays and their resulting three day weekends.  That’s no way to run a holiday.  Holidays are about tradition, not long weekends.

Anyhow the race is tomorrow.

One Response to Help.

  1. Is Javier from Mexico?