Readiness Drills

Beltane                                                                               Solstice Moon

Getting ready for grandkids, for Mark.  Cleaning up detritus from other cleaning efforts left partly accomplished.  Doing garden work.  Lois, housecleaner, comes on Wednesday, the kids on Thursday.  I find this kind of work quickly saps my energy though I’m not sure why.  I spent about two hours at it today and feel worn out.


I have opened up file drawer space in the study which will allow me to organize my writing folders more easily.  In order to do this I put Europe, America and Africa into file boxes, still accessible, but not immediately.  I left the Asian art files in the top file drawer, where they have been since I put the file cabinet in because I intend to continue my immersion in Asian art.

The mess that gathered as I tried to eliminate and reorganize material in January is now gone.  There are still items to move and refile, but they are in their own places for the moment.

Woollies tonight.  Workout this afternoon.  Probably more cleaning tomorrow before dentist and p.t.

(Jon, Gabe and me)

I’ve learned that devoting a couple of days to this kind of stuff every once in a while seems preferable to doing it all the time.  At least for me.