Mark of Arabia

Beltane                                                                         Solstice Moon

The desert rambler has returned to visit.  Mark showed up at the backdoor this afternoon.
He went with me to the Woolly meeting at Bill Schmidt’s apartment.  Bill had a delicious meal and a very thoughtful video called Griefwalker. Stephen Jenkinson is a man who has chosen to live into death rather than away from it and has discovered great riches in the process.  Check out his website if that sort of living interests you.

(Mark two years ago)

Bill, Stefan, Mark, Warren, Frank, Scott, Mark Ellis and I were there.  Mark O. had a 60 mph car accident this last Friday, thankfully door to door rather than head to head, but scary with considerable to his car.  He reports some fears about driving now, understandable.  Warren’s making some moves on their various houses, of which they seem to have at least 2 too many and maybe 3.  Frank’s picking out burial plots.  Scott’s helping a friend deal with a schizophrenic relative who has ended up in a locked unit for her safety.  Stefan has begun to recognize that the racing, cramming pace of his life has begun to overtake him.  I talked about the shoulder pain and the p.t.

The Woolly meeting is here next time and, barring rain, we plan to make good use of the fire pit.