Mr. Toad and the Rubber Pond

Summer                                                                         Solstice Moon

Fall beets and carrots in the ground.  Mid-summer chard and kale harvested along with some beets.  The nectar flow is on for the bees, the harvest flow has begun for the kitchen.  It’s steady now until we close down the garden.

Outside we have a wide rubber bucket we use for outdoor water for the dogs in the summer.  At least that’s our intended use of it.  Both Gertie and Vega prefer to see it as a doggy bath cum air conditioner.  So, we fill it up.  They empty it according to Archimedes and his bathtub.

Today, when I went to fill it up once again, I noticed a toad in the water. He’d jumped into the pond, but it’s nearly straight up and down sides were far too high for him to climb out.  I gave him the ride of his life, slowly lifting the water level until he scrambled up on the edge.  After achieving his goal, he sat there, surveying, no doubt wondering what caused the water level in this pond to change so quickly.