The Fun in Making Things Work

32  91%  30%  omph bar29.72 steep rise windchill32  Ephiphany

                              New Moon

Long ago in a lifetime faraway I learned mechanical projects and I don’t go together well.  Connecting the $#%!~& speakers has me mumbling to myself, but I have made headway.  It’s straight forward intellectually but when the finger meets the wire to connect the speakers to the receiver, not a pretty picture.  Feels my fingers become non-opposable thumbs.  But just think of the satisfaction I’ll feel when I’m done.

Just got off the video phone (skype) with Ruth, Jon and Jen and +.  Thursday is ultrasound day when we find out if the Olson line will continue with a male heir or whether we have to start saving for another dowry. 

I’ve seen a man on the moon, picture phones, video on telephones and computers at home far more powerful than the room-sized behemoths of yesteryear.  Clones, cell phones, test tube babies.  Geez.  Seems like immortality is not too much to ask.