
Summer                                                                           First Harvest Moon

Tomorrow is chainsaw time.  Gotta get firewood cut for the big Woolly fire on Monday.  Weather says thunderstorms possible, but I’m going to proceed as if they were not.  Can’t hurt to have too much firewood.  There’s always Samain.

Got word from brother Mark that he is in Indianapolis, getting more and more work done on his visa.  Physicals, FBI check, that sort of thing.  He plans a trip to Alexandria (our hometown) soon.  It will be his first time back in a very long time.

Kate’s set aside the pots and pans today to work with needles and thread.  She finished one quilt for Sarah, our housecleaner’s daughter and has begun one for Margaret Levin, both of whom have due dates in the near future.  Margaret is the executive director of the Northstar Sierra Club.