The First Harvests Continue

Lughnasa                                                                      Moon of the First Harvests

Jobs I would not want to have.  Commercial harvester of either currants or gooseberries. Currants bend you over and twist your arms and legs to get into position.  Gooseberries do all of that, plus the plant fights back with alien-simulating probes.  I’m going to find out what the evolutionary advantage of spines are.  We have raspberries, gooseberries and black locust, all spiny.  The gooseberries and the black locust put off humans and the raspberries are no fun.  What’s the point?  Ha, ha.

There were enough currants, gooseberries and the last of the cherries and blueberries for Kate to make what she calls tartlets.  These are carb light, much more so than pies and very tasty.

We’ll probably pull more carrots and beets today or tomorrow, too.  Today or tomorrow as well I’m going to check the honey supers, just to see where are and I may head out to Stillwater to get a mite treatment.  This is an organic method that is food quality so there’s no negative effect on the honey.  I’m hoping this will increase my chances of over-wintering this strong colony.

The new bee area will require some chain saw work, creating both space and wood for the fire pit.  I’m thinking, after writing up Lughnasa yesterday, that a harvest bonfire on the fall equinox (Mabon) would be fun.  I’ll talk to Kate and see what she thinks.  Meanwhile we adjust to a smaller house, a leaner pack.

One example, then I’m done.  When Kona was young, we had her tested by a cardiologist who found a heart murmur.  They prescribed vasotec twice a day.  We gave it to her wrapped in sliced turkey.  I’ve mentioned this here before.  Since dogs understand fairness, that means everybody gets a slice of turkey, before bedtime and after the morning feeding.  Kona is dead now so there is no longer a reason to continue the turkey aside from the fact, and a big deal, that all three dogs have never known any bedtime ritual that doesn’t include the turkey.  We’ll keep on with it.  A good example of how traditions get started.