We Did Get Some Satisfaction

Lughnasa                                                               Honey Moon

Today, bottling and washing.  Storing.  The cappings are in the sun where the heat helps the honey left behind escape into a bin  below. The bees, smelling the honey, have gathered around the lip of the cappings tank.  In the process of cleaning the extractor I got some honey on me and the bees began buzzing, trying to land, get what I had.  I went inside.

Kate and I both got up wincing a bit this morning.  Just before lights out last night, Kate said, “Good thing we don’t have to earn our living through manual labor.”  Yep.

Although.  The tiredness from this kind of work has a satisfying quality, earned in a good cause. A certain works righteousness goes with the Protestant work ethic.  Thanks, Max Weber and John Calvin.