Looking Backwards

Fall                                                                            Samhain Moon

After a good morning with Ovid, I went out to humble myself with my chain saw.  As I’ve written here before, I’ve used chain saws since 1974, 39 years.  Long enough, you’d think, to learn not to put the chain on backwards, but I did just that this morning. When a chain saw blade is on backwards, it burns the wood, rather than cut it.  Took me a second try to figure this out.  Back to the bench.

Sure enough, the little pointy sharp things were away from the cut rather than toward it. This seems pretty basic, doesn’t it?  Well, it is.  After solving the puzzle, I turned the chain around, retensioned it and went back out.  Ah, like a knife through butter.

Cutting wood for our Samhain bonfire next Thursday.  This will officially end the growing season and as things look right now, we’ll have finished the remaining tasks in the garden by then.  We have flower bulbs to plant, garlic to plant and leeks to harvest.  With minor exceptions that’s the end of it until next spring.  Which, if the climate keeps on warming, may come soon after my birthday on Valentine’s day.  Or, as it did this year, sometime in June.  Hard to tell up here.