Tea in the Mail

Samhain                                                         Thanksgiving Moon

A short morning since I slept in till 8:30.  Not usual.  I usually get up between 7:00 and funincular10007:30 am after a bed-time of 11:30.  Last night I was up until 11:50.  Not sure why I needed the sleep, but I did.  So, I’m alert.  That’s good.

An hour plus working on Missing.  I described Hilgo, a harbor town in the realm of the Holly King.  I used memories of Valparaiso, Chile, (see my photo) giving Hilgo a bi-level appearance with a large wharf.

Got my first shipment of teas from Verdant Tea, a 3 oz. a month club that sends out seasonally apt teas in 1 oz. increments.  They also include brewing instructions.  Since I spend so much time at the computer, the gong fu cha method of brewing works very well.  Today I got a black, and two oolongs along with information about the farmer and their operation for each of them.  All Chinese.

The first one I’m going to try is Qilan Wuyi Oolong.  This picture is a tea farm in the Wuyi mountains, famous in Chinese landscape paintings.

Now I’m back after the nap, ready to hit the Ovid.