Google Cultural Institute

Samhain                                                               Winter Moon

The links to the right provide quick access to resources that I use from time to time.  One added today is of special interest:  Google Cultural Institute.

This remarkable tool has three separate sections:  The Art Project, the World Wonders Project and the Archive Exhibitions.

Art Project

“Museums large and small, classic and modern, world-renowned and community-based from over 40 countries have contributed more than 40,000 high-resolution images of works ranging from oil on canvas to sculpture and furniture. Some paintings are available in ‘gigapixel’ format, allowing you to zoom in at brushstroke level to examine incredible detail. Use Google Street View to explore the interiors of landmarks such as the Palace of Versailles and The White House. Or, build and share your own virtual art gallery.”

World Wonders Project

“World Wonders brings modern and ancient world heritage sites online using Street View, 3D modelling and other Google technologies. Explore historic sites including Stonehenge, the archaeological areas of Pompeii and the Great Barrier Reef as if you were there. Learn about the history and background of each location with information provided through a partnership with UNESCO.”

Archive exhibitions

“Many cultural institutions have extensive archives of information, much of which cannot always be put on public display. Our partner museums and curators have created exhibitions to bring these archives to life and make them available online. Explore Historic Moments, Cultural Figures, Science & Technology, and other categories to browse through photos, videos, manuscripts and documents on a wide range of topics – from Nelson Mandela’s handwritten prison letters, to the ‘La Dolce Vita’ era in Italy.”

It’s worth visiting.