Why Write

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Chronicles and manuscripts were given due consideration during Mughal reign in India. Here is an excerpt from Ain-i- Akbari, book by Abu’l Fazl, courteir of Mughal King Akbar*, on importance of writing:

The written word may embody the wisdom of bygone ages and may become a means to intellectual progress
The spoken word goes to the heart of those who are present to hear it .
The written word gives wisdom to those who are near and far
If it was not for the written word, the spoken word would soon die, and no keepsake would be left us from those who are passed away.
Superficial observers see in the letter a dark figure, but the deep-sighted see in it a lamp of wisdom(chirag e shinsai)
The written word looks black, not withstanding the thousand rays within it, or it is a light with a mole on it that wards off the evil eye.

*Akbar (IPA: [əkbər]; 14 October 1542 – 27 October 1605), known as Akbar the Great, wasMughal Emperor from 1556 until his death. He was the third and greatest ruler of the Mughal Dynasty in India.  Wiki