Weekend Stuff

Winter                                                  Seed Catalog Moon

A money meeting this morning, then a long overdue call for repairs to my gas heater here in the study. The thermostat connection has long ago died and I have a hot or cold phenomenon in these bitterly cold days.  I heat it up to dispel the cold, but then have to turn the heater off because it goes past the comfort point.  Then, with the heat off, the cold seeps back in.  Soon I’ll have an even temp while I work.

I’m also working on a design for ancientrailsgreatwheel.com, one that will enhance and integrate with the theme.  This may take a while but I have until Imbolc to get it ready. Should be plenty of time.

Gonna do something unusual later today.  Visit a bricks and mortar store.  I want to get a new video card for my Gateway so I can utilize two screens, but finding out what I actually need has gotten the better of me.  I’m going to ask a live human being.  If the tariff isn’t too high, I’ll buy the video card there in return for the help.  If it’s double the online price, well…