Sunny and Cold

-14  67%  21%  0mph W  bar30.42 steady windchill-14  Winter

              Waxing Gibbous Winter Moon

We hit -18 at 7 AM this morning.  Sleep comes easy when the nights are cold.  We have down duvets that adjust without the need for extra blankets or wiring.  The day is clear and bright, though the outdoors has a certain foreboding at this temperature; cold weather can kill you and it wouldn’t take long.

Having said that I’m inside, warm and looking outside.  Today I hope to finish my work on the religious influence on contemporary art piece I have to do for the docent book club in March.  I want to get off an object list, book recommendation and an essay or two for advanced reading along with a series of questions/observations.

Kate and I will have our money meeting this AM, made much easier by her recent earnings and deferred compensation.  We’re going to have to get another TV (darn) because the workout TV has developed a wavy line pattern that annoys big time.  This means we’ll be all HD all the time, at least when we have HD programming.

Annie’s coming up today and will get our old Sony and the DVD player that goes with it.  It’s a fine TV and never gave us any trouble, though we bought it in 1994.  TV’s last a long time these days, so spending a good bit on one is not quite as illogical as it may seem.