The Agent Persona

Imbolc                                                               Valentine Moon

OK.  Today I push myself past the barriers, past the fear and write a query letter for Missing.  I’ll get a bit of feedback on it, then I’m going to start sending it out.

(Bruno Liljefors-Portrait of Father)

Read an interesting article about the creative process and it applies to me.  This woman said you need three different personas to be an artist.  The first is the creative who writes the book, blocking out self-censors and shoulds to get at the story.  The second is the editor, who takes the creatives work and shapes it into a polished work.  The third is the agent who handles the business side of the enterprise, writing query letters, submitting work, negotiating contracts.

With Missing I’ve gotten through the creative and editor personas and now I have to take on the persona of the agent.  I will represent Missing to the fast changing world of publishing.  Starting now.