
Imbolc                                                               Valentine Moon

After two + weeks of constant pain in my right pec, it’s begun to recede. Made an appointment with my doc, as I wrote earlier, but couldn’t get in to see her until next week.  Now it seems that by then, I won’t need the appointment.  As long I can tell an injury is healing, I’m ok with it. My desired result.  Self-care wins every time in my world. (I did have advice from the concierge doc here at 153rd Ave. NW.)

(me at the end of P90X)

Workouts have begun to get more intense again and I can see myself back in the P90X full bore after the Tucson trip.  My original hope was that I could finish the P90X (90=90 days) before Tucson, but the injury and my learning curve on the more complex moves combined to slow me down.  No big deal.  I’m going to continue learning the moves, doing high intensity aerobics alongside that, until I can work it fulltime.