
Imbolc                                                                  Hare Moon

50 degrees yesterday.  Dripping ice created a torrent in our downspouts, as if a hard rain was falling.  This is still, I think, a gradual melt, so I’m ok with the temperatures.  Not that I can do anything about them anyhow, of course. That rain forecast for today? Not so happy about that.  Slow melt good.  Fast melt bad.

Waking up to moist air, warm (over against -15) and carrying the scent of the woods and the soil, moves me forward along with the turning of the Great Wheel. My body begins to synch itself with the change, pushing me toward the outside, a part of me unfurling with the sun’s changed angle, the increased warmth.

A lot to do this week before I leave for Tucson, so I’d better get to it.  Finish the climate change course.  Send off my query letters.  Always more Latin.  A couple of putzy tech things. Call Enterprise. Get my packing organized.  A two week plus trip on the road requires different packing than a weekend flight to Denver.