24 Years and Still in Love

Imbolc                                                      Hare Moon

Sometimes, not often, but sometimes an event matches its purpose.  Tonight’s anniversary dinner was such an event.  We arrived at the Nicollet Island Inn at 6 pm, the same place exterior-nightwhere, 24 years ago, we spent the night before boarding a PanAm (yes, PanAm, can you imagine?) flight for Rome.

The host knew it was our anniversary, took us to our table after complimenting us on our glasses and our colorful garments and pointed to the bouquet on the table.  “You are loved,” he said to Kate. “24 years and still in love?”  Yes, we nodded.  “Wonderful.  Have a great evening.”  We did.

We thanked our taste in classical music, our seats at the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra for 72KateandmePizarro2011 11 01_3529bringing us together.  We looked at the things that could have gone badly like Kate earning a lot and me earning much less, then nothing.  I said, “I think the thing we’ve done, all along, is nurture the best in each other. I don’t see how you can ask for more in a relationship.”  Kate agreed. Somehow we have seen the highest and best in each other, staying out of each other’s way in some instances, stepping in with a helping hand at others.

(in Pizarro’s dining room, Lima, Peru)

Kate ordered the scallops; I went for the tenderloin.  We both ate less than half, saving some for tomorrow.  I set aside my low carb focus to have a chocolate tart for dessert. We finished smiling.  Kate slid over and put her arm through mine.

Added to the bill were two Nicollet Island Inn mugs, memories of the evening of our 24th.

Next year in Hawai’i!
