
Beltane                                                                          Emergence Moon

Went out to the beets and carrots I planted the day before we left for Colorado. No emergence yet. So I stuck my finger into the soil, gently peeling back layers until I found a seed, a rough beet seed, notable by how bumpy they are. Out of it grew two small thin green shoots. They’d been headed for the sun. Some warmth in the next week and they should all push through.

Tomorrow leeks and onions go in. Then the planting will be largely done until after the 15th, the average date of our last frost. After that the transplants: tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, chard and kale.

It’s strange to think of this as the next to last gardening year here. Sweet and bitter. Maybe we’ll end up with a third season. That will depend on the date of our move.