A Gentle Tsunami

Beltane                                                                      Emergence

I’ve put myself into a shocked, off center state by our decision to move. Assimilating the idea and its consequences have left me lackadaisical about Latin, less interested in the garden, a schlump relative to writing except for this blog. This won’t last long. It’s a response to the gentle but powerful emotional tsunami washing up on my Minnesota shore, a flood that I realize will wash most of what has been my life here back out to sea. And, it’s premonitory, a reality in the distance, yet it has enough force to rock me.

I’m letting it, right now, take me out of the now and buffet me with imagined sequelae, some wonderful, some sad, some exhilarating, some anxiety producing.

Wonderful. Living near the grandkids, the Rockies, the West. More faces at holidays and birthdays. A new place to absorb, to see, to learn, to become part of.

Sad. Saying good-bye to the Woollies, this house and its gardens, the Walker, the MIA, the Guthrie, the memories of 40 years.

Exhilarating. Writing in a new natural environment, one that will give me years of stimulation as will the lived history of the region. Staghounds in our future, dogs of the West.  A new home and land.

Anxiety producing. You know. Packing, unpacking. Money. Adapting to a new place. Finding medical care, insurance.

All this swirls around, causing emotional collisions that spark off each other, create radiants of feeling. It’s the early days of a love affair, one that will go the distance. God, how great, how frightening, is that?

One Response to A Gentle Tsunami

  1. Avatar tom byfield
    tom byfield says:

    Good for you, Charles. Twentyfive years ago when I retired we moved immediately down to Minneapolis. It was logical in that all three of our kids lived here at the time. We would have withered and sufficated in Bagley without the stimulation of a practice. Being here allowed us to have constant contact with all three and as I totter toward the Great Perhaps their loving attention.
    You are right to move to be closer to those you love and as you age what a blessing it will be as you age for both of you. We will miss you but will always log on to your blog to stay current with you. I have always admired your wtiting and hope some editor soon feels the same….. Tom