Get It Sorted

Beltane                                                        Emergence

Let the sorting begin. Today, the Jon-built garden shed. A book suggested removing every object from its place, then sorting them into keep (move) and discard. Discard can be sell, donate, trash. Gonna start that process with the motley collection of garden tools we have acquired over many years of trying out this one and that one, while never eliminating any. Well, not only garden tools. There are old tarps, flower pots, wire, chemicals, and other things, lots of things.

And the planting, too. A wonderful day for getting those onions and leeks in the ground, fertilizing the bulbs. We’re going to put less emphasis on putting food by over the next couple of growing seasons. Just more things. To move.

Decluttering twenty plus years of accumulation will take us several months at a reasonable pace. I want this move to feel good, so I don’t want us to wear out at any point. This is a long distance hike, not a walk down for the newspaper. I also want it to build good feelings as we molt much of our carapace, not so that we can build a bigger shell, but so we can build a better one.