Summer Most Heat Moon
Forgot to mention that there was a hint of unreliability in Kate’s information yesterday. The realtor told her that many who lived at altitude, 6,500-8,000 feet above sea level, didn’t have air conditioners. They use ceiling fans, exhaust fans and cross ventilation. Since Kate recounted this with no apparent reservation or exclamation, I concluded that she may not be wholly with it. Maybe the altitude?
Today there’s a bit more of the neither here nor thereness in my heart. It’s due, I know, to Kate’s work in Colorado, getting the Colorado part more in focus, and Jon and Ruth’s visit. Living in the move works when I can balance the work here with a focus there now and then. When Colorado moves into the foreground, it can tip me out of the liminal space-living in the move-and into that uncomfortable not here, not there feeling.