This Old Body

Lughnasa                                                              Lughnasa Moon

This Old Body. Wouldn’t that be the perfect name for a boomer aging show on PBS? Bob Villa could come on with Deepak Chopra and help us develop renovation plans. Hips aching? Consider hip replacement surgery with titanium and ceramic parts. Be sure to sure to use quicksetting glue. How about that hand that just doesn’t grip like it used to? Do we have a surgery for you. In and out in under a day, cast on for a couple of months and you’ll feel better than you’ve felt for years.

(this is the show’s tag line from old friend Ralph Emerson)

Prospect of imminent death depressing? Let’s talk reincarnation. Or just plain old acceptance. Chakras and auras out of whack? We have a tune-up special we’ll talk about later in the program.

Come back next week when we talk knees, elbows and those sudden lapses in memory on This Old Body. Cue the end.