We Cleaned Up

Lughnasa                                                                    Lughnasa Moon

The bee colony hive boxes and honey supers with their copper roofs are in the orchard IMAG0624now. No bees though. They are a prop to show what can be done here, to add atmosphere. We will, if the buyer wants, leave enough woodenware to get a new beekeeper started.

We’re also going to leave our hydroponics setup and the lawn tractor, all more valuable to us as incentives for a new owner than as items to sell. We would not move these things for various reasons.

While I assembled the bee colonies, Kate cleaned the southwestern corner of the garage. Together we spiffed up the hydroponics and moved them onto the cleaned portion of the floor. This has opened a bay and a half in which we can store boxes, clear out the interior.

After all that, a thunderstorm during our nap. Perfect.