Most Daunting

Samain                                                                           Closing Moon

IMAG0564Key’s is a breakfast joint on University. There are several around the cities. The original is on Raymond Avenue also just off University, but all the way into St. Paul where St. Paul abuts Minneapolis near KSTP. In my working days many plots were hatched over breakfast at the Raymond Avenue Keys.

Now Kate and I have our business meetings there, focused these days on our impending move. A month from today the packers come to finish up the work of getting ready to load. They’ll do the kitchen, the garage and anything else not already boxed.

The list of things to do, once long and overwhelming, has shrunk. There are still plenty of tasks, but they no longer seem overwhelming.

Over dinner Wednesday Tom asked what’s the most daunting thing now in the move. It is, without question, selling this house. Until that’s done our reserve cash is stuck here in Andover, illiquid. We’re relying on Margaret to get the job done.