
Samain                                                                              Closing Moon

Spent the morning in a weird activity. Deconstructing my office. For over 15 years the bookshelves, desk, and computer furniture in this space have supported my idiosyncratic path through the world of the mind. Now half of the room is almost bare, shorn of shelves and their supporting structure. A plastic baggie has two inch metal pegs that hold up the shelves. The shelves themselves, in various sizes, and the the wooden posts that contain the holes for the pegs line up now along the back wall, arranged by size.

It feels like I’m eating my own feet, sort of chomping through my own body from the ground up. And it feels just as unsustainable as this implies. What will I do when all the books and shelves and files and papers are in boxes? What will I do when the computer is unplugged and stowed in its own container? Then, I’ll be cut loose from the mechanical and pulpy tools that have been my workaday world.

It might be liberating for a while, but for good? No. Perhaps these will be the first presents I open on Christmas.