Living the Move

Samain                                                                          New (Moving) Moon

The book shelving has been dismantled. The teaware, ceramics, project organizers and various small objects like candles, bowls, book-ends are in boxes, sealed with packing tape and marked green for my study. What remains in here are my novel manuscripts (banker’s boxes), various office supplies, my computer and printer, a few desk items.

It has taken longer to finish the study than I imagined it would. The smaller and less uniform objects require more care. Even so, there was enough time, enough to keep my anxiety to a manageable level.

The short-timer feeling has vanished, too. We are no longer living in the move, as I said a few posts back, but are living the move. The focus now is on getting ready to leave.

Various matters that have to wait until the end, like closing out the Comcast account, will begin to appear. Comcast, infuriatingly, does not allow advance notice of stopping service. “You have to wait until two weeks before time,” the “customer service” denier said.

We can’t obtain new insurance in Colorado until we are resident there, even though the enrollment time will have passed for 2015. Our estate plan and trust documents will have to be updated there, too. It will be months before the immediate impacts of the move have all gotten sorted out.