New Possibilities

Samain                                                                  New (Closing) Moon

An odd part of the process. I’ve been taking my novel manuscripts off their shelves and putting them, plus their research, into banker’s boxes. I get to find the occasional rejection letter, see proof of past effort, wonder about writing. After hearing Ursula Le Guin’s speech at the National Book Awards (posted below), I found myself getting excited about writing again.

The whole commercial aspect of writing just does not appeal to me. Writing, on the other hand, does. So, when I get the study in order in Colorado, that leather chair and Chinese character green rug positioned in front of the window overlooking Black Mountain, a new novel will get going. Probably not a continuation of the Unmaking trilogy, but you never know. We’ll see what happens once I’m in the new environment.

Travel stimulates my imagination and I’m sure Colorado will do the same, probably over a sustained period of time since it will be all new places, with other new ones not far away. Also, being alone. Kate’s found a perfect place for me, a sort of aerie, a loft space on the second floor with a mountain view. The combination of new places and spaces. Wow.

At last all the pragmatic, git ‘r done energy can shift toward new possibilities. We’re not moved, no. And, we’re not 100% ready, but it’s clear we will be and we know where we’re going. Everything else feels marginal.