The Final Movement

Samain                                                                              New (Moving) Moon

Feels like the final movement of a symphony, with all the hurried action, lots of 16th and 32nd notes, winding up and up and up, then a pause, a slowing that lasts for awhile, a slowing that precedes the last dynamic moment. After that. Colorado.


We’re in the slowing time right now. Almost all of the packing and preparation has been done. A few odd bits here and there. Those files which I may choose to resolve simply by moving them and sorting them out later. A few items, like cassette tapes, that have archival value, but less utility. The stuff in the bathrooms and the final items to leave before the van loaders arrive: computer, two printers, my latin books, the stuff still on the desk. There are as well some magazine stacks that will need to get sorted, but that’s quick.

There will not be much left for A1 to pack beyond the kitchen and the garage, which we’ve already asked them to do. Maybe some clothes. Some stash in Kate’s sewing room. But not much at all.