Notice to Dogs: New Challenge

Samain                                                                          Moving Moon

1203140935Our last visit with Mary and Margaret, the Realtor team, before we move. Going through final matters, things we’ve set in motion after we leave, how we’ll communicate once we move. Margaret put a lock box on the front door, a visible sign, a ritual moment when the widdershins movements we have made around the property come to life. This house is now in transition, too, officially.

(Looking north from the far side of the garage, toward the back and the shed)

Got a text of seven pictures today, too, the fence. The fence, our first imprint on the new property, got finished this morning. When Tom and I make it to Black Mountain Drive, the dogs can bound out of the truck into their new home.


A first task in the new house will be to run the fence line with the little yellow wire of the invisible fence. This will double up the protective capacity of the fence, discouraging leaping over and, I hope, digging under. As to the digging,  I’m prepared to nail 2×4’s all around the perimeter, wooden fence post to wooden fence post, at the base of the fence line.

(Kate’s space is through the door to the left, the entrance to the first garage bay to the right.)