Doubled Effect

Samain                                                                                         Moving Moon

More packing today. And there is snow, which is better than the ice we had before the thaw. Moving boxes upstairs and into the car for Goodwill.

I’ve noticed, more in recent years, that physical activity which had once been, if not easy, at least doable, taxes me, makes my muscles quiver slightly. Weakness like this has a similar effect to sleeplessness. A doubled effect in this instance. The lowered ability to do work-decline in muscle strength-also affects my sense of maleness. I’m weak, unable to do (fill in the blank), and therefore less of a man. Do I know this is nonsense? Intellectually, yes. Politically, yes. Emotionally? Not so much.

Then, on days like today, when sleep loss (from Monday night) continues, the effects reinforce each other. Not so good. Most affected is my thinking ability. That continues the snowball.

Well. So that happens. BTW: I write this so, if you have similar experiences, you will not feel alone.

Just met the driver. He’s flying from Denver to Peoria for Christmas, after delivering our stuff, then back to Denver for a trip to south Florida. The driver is the guy in the move. He supervises the loading and the unloading as well as driving between here and there.

Goal today: finish the disclosure statement. Better get to it.