
Winter                                                                 Settling Moon

The opportunity for learning grows as the day goes on. The second load in the U-Haul encountered a ditch in front of our house. Stuck. Snow has begun to fall, gentle snow-globe snow. That means the county snowplows, very diligent have started up again. The sheriff has come.

Little is in the house as yet; the dogs have been crated since 11:30 or so. Richard, the driver, has a plane to catch for West Palm Beach tomorrow, holiday with his family. He intends to finish tonight and has called for extra workers.

Serenity to accept the things you cannot change. Repeat. And, repeat.

Not much we can do but watch this min-drama unfold. The movers do not work much longer, I can tell, and who could blame them? The thing I could do, I did. I suggested they come back tomorrow, but Richard has his plane.

As I said, lots of opportunity for growth. Wisdom to know the difference. Amen.