Snow and Wind

Winter                                                                      Settling Moon

Fourth snow removal this morning. My neighbor, Eduardo, with a mattock, was hacking away at snow plow deposit blocking his driveway. It slopes up from below grade. Holly was out with a snow rake removing snow from their roof. I’ve never done that. Wonder if it’s necessary?

The winds have begun, heading toward 90 mph gusts tomorrow. The pines sway with them, readied by millions of years of evolution. The lodgepoles are one of the pine species, like jackpine, whose cones only open in the heat of fire. Fire is natural here, so natural that it aids in the dispersal of the very trees it destroys. Houses aren’t like that.

Even though we’ve become  much more acclimatized a morning’s labor can still do us in. And it did today. We both took long naps. No more work for today.