New Fab Diet! Guaranteed.

Winter                                                   Settling Moon

Kate’s lost weight; she’s now down to 115. I’m going to weigh myself today. I may have, too. If so, I’m going to introduce a new diet: the interstate moving diet. This simple diet requires only thousands of dollars and weeks of focus on your stuff. Spending the money itself might work for some, but throw in a necessary obsession with each and every item you own, including touching, packing, re-positioning each one and you have a perfect antidote to flab. Of course, for those of you who choose to follow this diet, you get, too, the focus on leaving friends and familiarity for a new spot. All of this is in its own way surprisingly positive, and it wears away at the comfortable habits that put on those extra pounds. Try it! You’ll be a believer in no more 2 0r 3 moves.