
Imbolc                                                                               Settling Moon II

Now my late nights have become just before dawns. It’s quiet here in the early morning. When I went out to pick up the Denver Post, the full Settling Moon II hung above Black Mountain to the west. When the full moon rises, the snow reflects its light, making deep shadows.

I’m feeling nearly ready to get back to work. With the TV now upstairs and Jon coming out on Sunday, I may have the workout area functional by Monday.

With the Andover house on the market, the last of the major tasks for this move is underway. I feel oddly detached from it, knowing that its sale is critical for our well-being here, yet almost not caring. I’m more interested in getting the treadmill reassembled and plugged in, finding my snowshoes, returning to Caesar’s Gaul and my sessions with Greg.

Caring for that land, dreaming about it, was a joy and a blessing, a time of quite literal giving back. We left that property better than we found it, especially from a fecundity point of view. In a strange sense that makes it easier to part with. I have no regrets about what we did there, only positive feelings.

Now that same energy has shifted, focused on a montane eco-system in an arid regime with a greatly shortened growing season. All I know now is that I want to xeriscape, create an optimally fire mitigated property and grow a few vegetables. Each of these tasks requires knowledge I don’t have, yet draw on skills I do have.

When the house sells, a balloon of care will lift in our thin air, rising quickly above Shadow Mountain, then Black Mountain, then Mt. Evans, a somewhat close 14’er. But it will see me already at work here, considering the land and loading Perseus, hunting for Latin words.

Carpe montem!