Ten Toes

Summer                                 Full Summer Moon

The Michael Jackson tribute has come and gone.  Some folks I know watched it, others, like me did not.  I’m not sure why but his music never spoke to me, so I tended to see the strangeness, the pointy nose, the coffee and cream skin.

Ruth has discovered that she has ten toes and her Grandma has ten toes and Gabe has ten toes.  Again, it amazes me how much we had to learn as we matured.  Until it occurs to you, it might be that other folks have, say, 12 toes or 8.  The amount and kind of information we inhale before we’re 5 years old would fill a library.

This morning we’re going to the zoo.  I love the zoo as much as the grandkids, though I don’t get out there  too often since we moved to the exact opposite extreme of the metro area.