Tent poles struck, canvas being rolled up

Beltane                                                               Beltane Moon

Under the Beltane Moon many things have happened for us. Vega got bit and is on the road to recovery. The Andover house sold and will close at the end of the month. Kate’s gotten regular on her exercise. We had two big snows. I had my physical, got the prostate news and had my biopsy. I took two Native Plant master classes. We saw Gabe in concert at Sweigert Elementary. I attended my 28th Woolly Mammoth retreat. Got all-season tires on the Rav4.

Beltane marks the beginning of the growing season, or summer as one half of the year. The other half is winter or the fallow time, which begins October 31st on Samhain, Summer’s End. Beltane is a season of transition, like April, from the cold to the heat.

This Beltane moon saw many transitions for us. Two big ones. The selling of the Andover house means that my circus tent metaphor can come to an end. The last poles are being struck in Minnesota and the canvas is being rolled up. Now it just needs to get loaded on the train and the train to start moving. May 26. 20 years of work handed off to new stewards.

And the prostate. No matter what the biopsy shows, the transition from innocence toward my own death (even though often acknowledged) to acceptance of it as a fact has happened. Not an easy process, painful in some ways, but important. And, I don’t believe I’ll have to through that process again.