More Real Life

Lughnasa                                                                            Recovery Moon

ruth250Grandson Gabe is up here watching you-tube videos on his I-pod. I’m shelving more books, trying to get an accurate estimate of how many more of the tall shelves I’ll need. Maybe only 4.

(Ruth yesterday after Buffalo Bill. She’s 9.)

Eric and the other 3 men of Alpha Electric came out this morning, inserted steel piping into the holes underneath the generator and carried it like a sedan chair, placing it near the stub of gas pipe Herb and John installed last Monday. Alpha Electric has a lot of work right now, just finishing up the El Rancho remodel off I-70 in Evergreen and about to take up the 40,000 sq foot horse barn cum enclosed practice area. That one is very close to us.

Kate250Both Kate and I are enjoying the time with the kids, longer periods where we can interact with them more. Ruth is in Denver today, having a chipped tooth repaired. The chipper, Gabe via a thrown remote, will pay for the repair out of his own money jar. Family life has its complications, but that’s part of what makes it so interesting.

(Grandma after Buffalo Bill)

Friend Tom Crane observed in a recent e-mail that the third phase shifts priorities from intellect driven achievement to matters of the heart, especially focused on those close to us. True that.