Rock and Chain

Lughnasa                                                                            Labor Day Moon

While Kate’s at BJ’s place near Tetonia, Idaho, I’ve been working my way through a list of things to get done: installing uninterruptible power supplies to smooth out our occasional micro-outages, mowing the fuel in the front, upgrading the desktop and the laptop to windows 10 and trying to make work the bright idea I had for stabilizing our mailbox.

original plan400

This was the original plan. Chains and a rock. Problems were two. Making the chains stay in place proved harder than I imagined and the rock I chose was too damn heavy. So.

Plan #2


This is a version of the idea I had, though more poorly executed than I want. Still, it’s proof of concept. It has so much chain because I bought the chain lengths for the larger rock. Also, I wanted black chain, but the two sources I had close by, Big R and the Ace Hardware, only had silver.

It’s not terrible. We’ll see whether it can keep the mailbox at a stable height while retaining the virtue of its original design. It swings to the side if a snow plow hits it, rather than sheering off at the base.
