Managing the Manor

Samhain                                                                      Thanksgiving Moon

In bed twelve hours. 4 hours asleep, 4 hours awake, 4 hours asleep. Take what I can get.

Beautiful weather here today and tomorrow. Then, could be storm of the century, or a dusting. Really. Forecast ensembles go from 30″ to barely anything. If it tends toward the higher end, Luke and the Golden Solar guys will have a tougher job on Tuesday. Monday, not so bad, since the snow’s supposed to come at night.

Luke was here yesterday by himself. A young guy, late 20’s or early 30’s, wearing nothing but a Doors t-shirt, (well, he did have pants and shoes on, too) Luke worked on the roof most of the day. He put in the anchors that attach to the roof beams, carpenter, then added brackets and rails. “On Monday, we’ll bring a string level, make everything tight. The panels will go on Tuesday.”

“I thought there’d be, well, more people,” I said. “The other guys are finishing up a 45 degree slope job in Denver. This is 18 and I knew I could do this part by myself. Monday there’ll be four of us.”

So. Solar. Then, the loft has gotten closer and closer in terms of shelving and organization of stuff like file boxes, office and art supplies. Still a ways to go, but getting there.

The whole kitchen got delayed due to Thanksgiving. Won’t start till after now. The timing of the work would have left us with no kitchen for the holiday.

Now, I have to call Stevenson Toyota, see when I can get those Blizzaks back on.