8 Nights of Illumination

Samhain                                                                        Thanksgiving Moon

Hanukkah begins tonight. Another Holiseason festival of light. We have several packages wrapped in the blue and silver colors of Hanukkah, dreidels and the Star of David scattered across them. They go to the grandkids this morning.

144 candles for the 8 day festival since each night a new candle is added and all are replaced. We have several menorahs ranging in design from very traditional to crystal and metal. Like many Jewish holidays this one is home based with a regular nightly ritual involving lighting the candles in the menorah and reciting certain prayers in Hebrew.

Kate and I plan to attend a public menorah lighting on December 10th in Evergreen. There is a latke cookoff as part of the ceremony. Latkes with sour cream are one of my favorite parts of Hanukkah.

We decided a while back that our Hanukkah gifts to each other are the solar panels and the remodeled kitchen.

So. Happy Hanukkah to one and all.