Debrine and Chill

Lughnasa                                 Waning Green Corn Moon

Kate made banana bread and cut up vegetables.  I went to the grocery store and returned.  In the average year we may entertain non-family members once or at most twice, family sometimes 3 or 4 times.  We’re far away from the center of things here in Andover, true, but we’re not big entertainers or party goers in the first place.  Kate is comfortable cooking for guests while I’m not, so I’m glad to have her home.  We make a good team.

Tiger Woods is a competitive guy.  He chewed nails today when he made a couple of bad shots near the end of the PGA.  They ensured Ye Yang’s victory, the first Asian born PGA champion.  Tiger also said some bad words.

I have to go debrine the chickens and put them in gallon freezer bags with olive oil.  They’ll stay in the fridge over night.