Indiana Proud

Sign situated directly across the street from where I saw a Klansman recruiting in the mid 1960's.
Sign situated directly across the street from where I saw a Klansman recruiting in the mid 1960’s.

Summer                                                          Park County Fair Moon

Indiana is indiscernible from a Southern state. If it walks like the Klan and burns crosses like the Klan, then…

from the Indianapolis Star

Sheridan, Indiana

“Don Christy doesn’t care what you think about his parade float. To him, the words “Lying African” in front of a depiction of President Barack Obama was funny.

Many, however, are questioning the town officials, police and organizers who allowed the 73-year-old Christy to drive the display in Monday’s Fourth of July parade in Sheridan, a rural community of 2,900 in northern Hamilton County, north of Indianapolis.

“I’m not a Democrat. I’m not a Republican,” Christy told IndyStar. “I’m a patriot.”

Christy wore a prison jumpsuit and a blond wig while driving a golf cart in the parade. The cart’s roof displayed signs in support of presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. On the front was the head of a stuffed animal with a sign reading “African Lion.” On the back, a doll with an Obama mask was propped in a toilet with a sign reading “Lying African.””