Moving On

Winter   New Moon (Wild)

Life’s pace has once again picked up for me.  The Sierra Club work has begun to fill in winter hours, enough so that I realize something will have to be done as the growing season approaches.  Smarter planting and gardening, yes.  That’s in the works, but I’ll also need some flexibility.  When the garden needs you; it needs you right then.

The MIA has taken somewhat of a back seat this winter as the Sierra Club and the permaculture work has ramped up.  That’s not to say I’ve been absent.  The Docent Discussion Group has been fun.  I’ve not dug into the research as much as I enjoy so I look forward to the March intensive on art history research.

I’ve also had a string of VTS tours with 2nd graders.   Visual Thinking Strategies require almost no preparation, but they do demand a lot of emotional investment during the tour.  These tours have reconnected me with second-graders and I’m glad.  They do not require the same intellectual engagement as my China tour last Friday did.

I enjoy the pace.